Daybreak Express #Pennebaker’s first film

August 18, 2019

RePEc on Twitter and Econometric Links

February 1, 2018

My Social Media Life started in 1995. The World Conference of the Econometric Society was held in Tokyo, not long after terrorist gas attacks terrified many potential participants. This seemed a good moment to start linking up the worldwide Econometrics community on the Internet, as snail mail was still the preferred mode of peer-to-peer communication. Electronic Exchange of Research Papers in Econom(etr)ics was still in its infancy. Fortunately, a crowd sourced online archive of Research Papers in Economics (and Econometrics), based on similar prepublishing arXives in other sciences was soon established. I was lucky enough to meet the Economist and Librarian founders (WoPEc, HoPEc, IDEAS,…) face to face in Maastricht soon after. I have promoted econometric links with RePEc archives ever since, with generous support of the Royal Economic Society.

Fast forward to 2018. RePEc is thriving under the management of IDEAS founder @CZimm_economist. It took a while to convince him of the importance of twitter accounts for RePEc’s popularity, but each author can now add his Twitter address to his RePEc profile and @repec_org is up and running. I quit updating @Rep_Ec and confine myself to my personal accounts @econlinks and @NESG2013. Neither of these is sponsored by a learned society, university, nor by the Federal Reserve. For now, the Econometric Links of the Econometrics journal web site has disappeared into the Internet Archives, where even Google can have trouble finding it.

Refugees, migrants and data science: it’s not just research.

March 4, 2017

Nov 2016 Tilburg #MigrationEcon for the #SocialGood. #PracticeMakesPerfect #Not #DataScience.

linnet taylor

Today I heard about yet another ‘big data’ research project on ‘refugees-and-migrants’ and it became time to write something.  The project aimed to interview undocumented migrants in Europe, then combine those interviews with data from mobile phones, bank accounts and national databases, and also with data from the organisations responsible for controlling the presence of migrants (and often deporting them). The aim of the project was, it appeared, unclear. The researchers wanted to, variously, create knowledge about the characteristics and situation of the undocumented because it would lead to better outcomes for migrants; to create knowledge because it would lead to social acceptance of migration, and to locate ‘lost’ child migrants.

This was not the only project I have heard presented recently. Since the increased influx of refugees into the EU due to the Syrian conflict, data science has discovered migrants as an object of study, and every new research…

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February 24, 2017

America already has extreme vetting

February 17, 2017

#BackInTheU_S_of_A #ExtremeVetting

Rottin' in Denmark

I made a video:

I sort of couldn’t help myself. When I lived in Denmark I volunteered at an asylum center. I mentored a 17-year-old Afghan refugee. Since then, I’ve had friends and colleagues get jobs in international refugee policy. Seen them, one by one, become frustrated at the stinginess, the injustice, the cruelty masquerading as bureaucracy. It’s impossible for me to talk or write about this in my own voice without getting worked up, so I tried using someone else’s.

I grew up in a super religious family. Church on Sundays, hands clasped before dinner, Bible camp every summer. I remember talking to one of my parents’ friends when I was maybe 13 or 14. She worked at a homeless shelter, she provided food and clothes and beds all winter, a big brick building in the middle of a neighborhood I had lived my whole life avoiding.

I was in my Ayn Rand phase at the time, and I…

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Quality control committee: looking for volunteer

January 15, 2017

Jan 2017, Please Help to remove really bad #OA journals, a.k.a. Predatory Journals in Econometrics, Economics and Statistics from the #RePEc collection of Research Papers in Economics by joining the Quality Commission.

The RePEc Blog

The RePEc community is looking for a volunteer to head a committee on quality control for journals admitted to be indexed in RePEc. Here is some background.

There is a growing number of journal-like outlets that pretend to be normal open access journals. But in reality, all they do is take authors’ money, and put the content up on a web site. They do no quality  control. They have no editorial board that does any work. In fact, many times people on the board do not even know that they are on it.

Traditionally, RePEc has not done any quality control prior to listing additional journals. We believe that quality can best be assessed by users of the RePEc dataset. However, we have been criticized for helping these deceitful outlets gain a mantle of respectability through their RePEc listing. Therefore we take this step forward. We expect quality control also…

View original post 91 more words

Sorry Pia, dat doe ik mijn nabestaanden niet aan op de ic: ‘Geen bezwaar’ tegen de kilheid?

September 14, 2016

Twee patiënten op de IC. De eerste een 53-jarige vrouw die plots onder de douche onwel is geworden en vlak daarna comateus op de badkamervloer werd gevonden door haar 15-jarige zoon. Toen de ambula…

Source: ‘Geen bezwaar’ tegen de kilheid?

Sep 2016 Stats & Society Book Release!

September 6, 2016

Oh my god, people, today’s the day! I’m practically bursting with excitement and anxiety. I feel like throwing up all the time, but in a good way. I want to go into every bookstore I walk by, find my book, and throw up all over it. That would be so nice, right? Also, I wanted […]

via Book Release! and more — mathbabe

End Broken Windows Policing

July 15, 2016

Great lessons in conditional probability to be learned from these data in Criminology


Yesterday I learned about Campaign Zero, a grassroots plan to end police violence. The first step in their plan is to end Broken Windows policing. Here’s their argument:

A decades-long focus on policing minor crimes and activities – a practice called Broken Windows policing – has led to the criminalization and over-policing of communities of color and excessive force in otherwise harmless situations. In 2014, police killed at least 287people who were involved in minor offenses and harmless activities like sleeping in parks, possessing drugs, looking “suspicious” or having a mental health crisis. These activities are often symptoms of underlying issues of drug addiction, homelessness, and mental illness which should be treated by healthcare professionals and social workers rather than the police.

Having studied the effects of uneven policing myself, especially how it pertains to the data byproduct of “police events,” I could not agree more.

There was a…

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WWW: De vijver van Endegeest

July 11, 2016

Wat voor levensweg zal ik gaan leiden? Voor het wandelen bij het water in de winter (www) hoef je niet altijd zo ver te gaan. Een bescheiden watertje dichtbij is soms genoeg. Ik doe m’n best …

Source: WWW: De vijver van Endegeest